Monday, October 27, 2014


Уважаеми ученици,
В периода 2014 – 2017 учебна година училището участва в международния европейски проект Превенция на отпадането от училище: ТИ си важен по програма Еразъм +.
В проекта участват 10 държави: Турция, Италия, Великобритания, Литва, Латвия, Кипър, Норвегия, Португалия, Гърция и България.

За да участвате в проекта вие трябва да:
1. Попълните своите данни и тези на родител в МОЛБА до директора на училището,
2. Напишете МОТИВАЦИОННО ПИСМО (на български или на английски език) от около 1 страница, в което да аргументирате защо желаете да участвате в проекта,
3. Изпратите като прикачен файл МОЛБАТА и МОТИВАЦИОННОТО ПИСМО (файл/ове на Word 2003 или 2007) на имейл:

За въпроси:
- Цветелена Таралова – учител по АЕ и координатор на проект,
- Ели Константинова – учител по испански език,
- Вера Бебова – учител по БЕЛ.

(Примерна молба)
До Директора
На 88. СОУ

.............................................................................................................. (родител)
тел. ..........................................................
..........................................................................................(ученик/чка от ............... клас)
тел. .........................................................

Г-жо Директор,
Моля да участвам в международен проект ……

Прилагам мотивационно писмо.
С уважение:      1. .................................................. (име на родител)
                           2. ..................................................(име на ученик)


Опишете в рамките на една страница защо искате да се включите в проекта.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Project Description

High School Drop Outs: 'One is Too Many'
Превенция на отпадането от училище
Early school leaving is a multi-faceted and complex problem caused by a cumulative process of disengagement. It is a result of personal, social, economic, education or family-related reasons. Schools play an important role in addressing ESL but they cannot and should not work in isolation. Reducing ESL can help towards the integration of young people into the labour market, and contribute to breaking the cycle of deprivation that leads to the social exclusion of too many young people.
     Reducing the average European rate of early school leavers to less than 10% by 2020  is one of the education headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy. Investment in the educational achievement of young people is essential for the employment prospects of every young person.
     In this Project High Schools from all over Europe prepared a strategic partnership and   they will  co operate  to tackle this problem at grass roots level: by analyzing the problem and improving education atmosphere  in term of; social activities, student teacher ,student school ,students society, student-parent, parent-school relations.
       The main objective of this project is to find new methods for increasing motivation and creating more supportive school environments to decrease the number of student dropouts.
      Project activities will include the exchange of the information, sharing and analyzing best-practice models; comparing them and adapting them to each partner’s own activities and environment .Our project activities are aimed to reduce ESL by establishing conditions for successful learning for all the students. Students  should feel comfortable and supported, feel ownership of their own learning and can engage in the life of their school community. This is important both for the emotional, social and educational development of the pupil and for the overall governance of the institution. As a condition of successful learning, teachers need to strengthen their role as facilitators of learning. They need autonomy, time, and space for innovation, teamwork, feedback, self-reflection and evaluation. They need access to enhanced opportunities for continued professional development.
     We mostly targeted students with fewer opportunities in order to provide them with the missing opportunities they haven’t acquired by educational system so far. So our target group is who will be detected as being in danger of drop out. We also include parents of the students under the risk of drop out and teachers who need guidance about methods to deal with the students who has drop out risk as target group.
    In long term we aimed to disseminate the project all the related people and organization who has a role in students 'educational and social life. They are; teachers, families, peers, other organizations leading the same type of activity, local schools in each partner school’s area, local authorities, European authorities by the help of European partners, public, wider life learning community, decision-makers at local, regional, national and European level. We believe that our project results will have long term effects on economy and society with the help of dissemination activities.

Coordinator: Turkey (Kocaeli)
Bulgaria (Sofia);It is a general state school located in the suburbs of the capital. Drop out rate in Bulgaria is 12,5(EUROSTAT-LFS/2012) They have a local project called "PREVENT - Involving parents in prevention of early school leaving", part of the EU program for sustainable urban development ( For 18 months some teachers have been working on the issue and exchanging good practices with schools and institutions from other European cities to prevent students drop out from school.They are experienced in e twinning projects, so they will be responsible for our project e twinning page.
United Kingdom (London): It is local vocational training high school which has low progression rates .Drop out rate in U.K is 13, 5 (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012)They have specific reviewing and monitoring systems of students’ progress. They have experience about it and as a good practice they will share their activities ( Their project team consist of different qualified teachers.
Italy (Lecce): It is a high school which operates in a complex and varied socioeconomic and cultural context .Drop out rate in Italy is 17.6 (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012) They have a regional project: “ Diritti a Scuola” an action aiming at qualifying the school system, at preventing early school leaving. They also have another national project P.O.N. C1 a national operative programme for the disadvantaged regions. They are also experienced about the Comenius projects.
Cyprus (Polis Chrysochous); It is a public Lyceum and Technical school .Drop out rate in Cyprus is 11, 4 (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012). They have prepared some programs at school for dealing with drop out problem. They have a support program for students with special skills, The school has a special of support for student, given by professional psychologist.They also have experiences about LLP Projects.
Lithuania (Kaunas); It is a high school in Kaunas. Lithuania has 6, 5 drop out rate (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012) which is the lowest and under the Europe 2020 target rate in our partnership. The reason to take this school as partner is, they are really good example for us how to create a good atmosphere at school. They say that they have created a well developed methodology which helps them to minimize behavioral problems and school drop out, improve school atmosphere.
Norway (Oslo): it is a vocational and upper secondary school . Norway has14,8 drop out rate (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012). They have a local system for dealing with drop out problem :Oppfølgingstjenesten(. Following students that have dropped out). They also have a department of all the counselors, follow-up service (OT). This department will be in charge of this project. They have an experienced staff about local and international projects.
Portugal (Vila Verde) ; It is a  vocational high school. Portugal has 20, 8 drop out rate (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012).which is one of the highest level in our partnership. So there are a lot of national Projects in Portugal. They have a Psychology and Guidance Service, functioning since 2002, has solved several extreme dropout risky cases with success.
Greece – Crete (;Chania) It is the one which hasn’t joined any international project before. It is a General Lyceum . Greece has 11, 4 drop out rate (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012).They have high academic level because they apply an extra tutoring  program they will be good practice about the increasing success activities.
Latvia (Aluksne) Aluksne  is a secondary school .Latvia has 10,5 drop out rate (EUROSTAT-LFS/2012). They have students who has  difficulties in learning and students rather drop out instead of solving situation. So they applied different activities to prevent drop out .They have  a “Shadow Day”programme which will be good practice for us in Career orientation activities. They have innovative school staff.

A1: Creating project team and tools (Web site/twinspace/facebook ) Each school will create an Erasmus club.
A2: Online Logo, poster , motto ,short film competition. Logo competition. poster/motto/logo/ and short film (The students make a short film based on the life of a drop-out student. They direct, write a script and perform in it themselves, using the experience they acquired from the interviews of drop-out students) Votes for the best film
A3:Career  Planing Organisation - seminars and workshops by professionals, counselors, graduate students, and visits to further education institutions of the area.
A4: Seminars to teachers to deal with drop out problems, seminars to students about effective study methods, Practical students' activities with implementing results of effective study methods, Workshops with students and with their families.
A5:European Parliament - preparation of a Eu Parliament meeting where each country presents the educational problems and suggests educational reforms. Each partner school will create their own parliament and students will come together and discuss about the educational problems in their country and they will vote for the best reformative measures.The law will be published.
A6:After school activities with family. Each partner school will organize social after school activities for the students
7:Sport Activities - Sport is thought to be one of the ways of creating an equal environment and a way of preventing the dropping out of those students. Tournaments
A8: Best photo of the Project – uploaded on a common  platform. An online voting system and winner photo will be the cover for the project catalogue.
A9: Preparing Final Works
A10:Dissemination Activities

Students Mobilities
We want to find new methods for increasing motivation and creating more supportive school environments to decrease the number of student dropouts;   For increasing education atmosphere learning and teaching activities will be our main tools. We will try to change perception of the students by using 'short term student mobility activities.
One of the other most important objectives in our project is creating communication with other countries and understand their culture and exchange the ideas. For achieving this goal effective use of language is really important and by the help of language trainings for both students and school staff we will improve our students’ communication abilities and their language competence
We will give responsibilities to these students during the project and if they show an improvement in their attainment and academic performance they will be awarded with different social activities, mobilities and future opportunities. We will use mobilities as a tool to motivate our students and increase their skills and self esteem. During the project they will work in more workshops about different topics, the methodology of peer learning and promoting formal and non-formal education . We will train them about successful study methods. We will facilitate the learners with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities and will make them participate in transnational projects.
Moreover  they will have opportunities to see that they are not alone, there are a lot of students who have the same difficulties and concerns all around the Europe.
C1: An Outing as a tool for motivation to improve attendance and academic success of the risk group students.
Summary : Students are asked to improve their academic results. Each student gets a report with the marks obtained in the first term and a goal qualification established by the educational team. The educational team takes into account the capacities and abilities of each students so the goal qualification is different for each of them. During the process they get help from a teacher who monitors their performance. At the end of the school year those students who achieve the mark established by the team participate in a workshop in Italy  and join a workshop with other students who have showed a similar success and they will prepare a presentation about this process. When they come back they will give a seminar to the students who has low level academic success and under the risk of drop out by using the presentations they have prepared  and they will share their experiences.
C3: European Parliament:
Summary: Each school will make necessary preparation of a Eu Parliament meeting where each country presents the educational problems and suggests educational reforms. Each partner school will create their own parliament and students will come together and discuss about the educational problems in their country and they will vote for the best reformative measures.The students who got the most vote will join the short term mobility activity and they will join the big European parliament in Cyprus. They will present their reforms and join international voting. And the best reforms will be voted, approved and signed
The law will be published on website,twinspace,facebook page.
C5.Citizenship and arts workshops.
Expected results
- Creation of a European association/ society/club
-EUROPEAN PERFORMANCE “ONE IS TOO MANY” . An EVENT where students in groups will perform or exhibit   and be voted for by a jury made of students and teachers and local people.
- A collaborative students' blog called ONE IS TOO MANY
We will have two workshops.
We will use EUROPASS mobility tool  for the students who join the mobilities,each  partner school will apply the certification institute on behalf of their students.

Meeting 1
October 2014
TURKEY- teachers
Short term student mobility
April 2015
Students and teachers
Meeting 2
May  2015
ENGLAND- teachers
Meeting 3
October 2015
LITHUANIA- teachers
Short term student mobility
March 2016
CYPRUS –students and teachers
Meeting 4
May 2016
BULGARIA- teachers 
Meeting 5
October 2016
NORWAY - teachers
Short term student mobility
March or April 2017
PORTUGAL – students and teachers
Meeting 6
May 2017
GREECE - teachers 

В периода 2014 – 2017 учебна година училището участва в международния европейски проект Превенция на отпадането от училище: ТИ си важен по програма Еразъм + с ученици от езиковите паралелки под ръководството на Цветелена Таралова, главен учител по английски език.
Главната цел на проекта е прилагане на нови методи за повишаване на мотивацията и създаване на по-добра учебна среда, което ще доведе до намаляване на учениците, отпадащи от училище.
Проектните дейности включват обмен на информация, споделяне и анализ на добри практики, както и адаптирането и прилагането им във всяко училище-участник в проекта.
През следващите три учебни години Клуб „Еразъм +” към 88. СОУ ще реализира програма, чрез която да съдейства за превръщане на училището в привлекателно за учениците пространство на интелектуална и артистична изява. Основна цел на мероприятията по проекта е да провокират и мотивират творческата и културно-обществената активност на учениците. За постигането на тази цел са предвидени следните дейности:
ü  Активиране на творческата самоинициатива и артистичната изява: танцов спектакъл, занимания по актьорско майсторство, ролеви игри, фотография;
ü  Провокиране на гражданското самосъзнание и обществено-политическата ангажираност: ученически съвет, дебати, доброволчески акции и благотворителност (с активното участие на родители);
ü  Провокиране на интереса към изкуството и към осъзнаване на ролята му в живота и в професионалната реализация на младите хора: посещение на театрални постановки, кинопрожекции и концерти, дискусии, семинари, свързани с професионалната ориентация на учениците;
ü  Активиране на спортната изява и отношението към природата: спортни състезания, еко дни в училище и в планината.

В проекта участват 10 държави: Турция, Италия, Великобритания, Литва, Латвия, Кипър, Норвегия, Португалия, Гърция и България.